Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Good Guys Dance While the Beat Goes On.

I found this over at Smoking Mirrors

The Good Guys Dance While the Beat Goes On.

While the general public sits, in a drugged stupor, as hallucinating television sets bring them Donald Duck reporting the news, or Porky Pig from the runway at Milan, other things are being said and done which might have escaped the notice of the wider world. Japanese lawmaker and former Chief Cabinet Secretary under Koizumi has had a lot to say about 9/11 and then there is the former President of Italy as well as the one time head of their secret service who has said 911 was done by the CIA and Mossad and then there is the former German Minister Andreas Von Buelow who has something to say and all those professional airline pilots who have something to say as well as all those scholars and scientists who have something to say and then, there’s me. I’ve got something to say too and we’ll get to that.

I want everyone reading this essay who is in denial about 9/11 to ask themselves what they base that denial on. Ask yourself, “Why do I believe that Bin Laden attacked the WTC and points south?” Go stand in front of the mirror people and ask yourself what your credentials are for determining the scientific aspects of the 9/11 attacks. Ask yourself if you are or were at a high level in your government and privy to classified information. Ask yourself if you are trained in the sciences represented by those doubting the official version of the event or a commercial pilot like those linked here. Ask yourself if that really is Porky Pig talking to you from the runway in Milan.

The answer to the first question has to be, “Donald Duck told me so.” He may have been dressed like whatever wax figure reads you your news but it was Donald Duck who actually said it. You believe it because it is what you were told and nobody is going to tell you different because the people in charge are the good guys or they wouldn’t be in charge, right?

These are the good guys that told you the proven lies that have led to the mass murders in Iraq. These are the people who orchestrated and are covering up THIS! Go ahead… read it. You see Halliburton, the former playground of the vice president, reaping obscene profits from the war and poisoning American soldiers with bad water and you say, “These are the good guys.”

You see Dick Cheney go to Saudi Arabia and right afterwards you see that the Saudis are now preparing for nuclear war and you say “These are the good guys.” You see the sub prime mess and the food and energy shortages and the bees dying from genetically modified seeds and all of it because your government takes their orders from the money men who run the corporations and banks (and which is the clinical definition of fascism) and you say, “These are the good guys.”

April is here and strange doings are afoot. Al Sadr has shown the world that the U.S. and Israel along with ‘The City’ in London have lost control of the Iraq War, as if they ever had control outside of an insulated bunker on a small piece of real estate. What’s a fascist to do? Next stop Iran. The good guys are working out the details of the next false flag that will justify their long term plans.

Zionist controlled AOL is shutting down websites that question 9/11 while newscasters call for 9/11 truthers to be put in camps.

Twenty eight million Americans are on foodstamps. Isn’t that about one in ten people? Repossessed houses are being stripped of their copper and other fittings. And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on.

A person still in possession of a mind would ask themselves… why? You can’t say that the people responsible for these things are just stupid and incompetent. You have to know that there is a point to all of this. Ask yourself what this point must be. Why does the big freight train of life seem to be heading for a collective disaster of monumental proportion while your news sources are chattering away like Ritalin infused chipmunks searching for Jodie Foster and D.B. Cooper's parachute?

I’m not Nostradamus but you don’t have to be a seer to see. Most of you know that the official 9/11 story is garbage. By a wide margin you have been polled and found to have said so and yet… and yet… the beat goes on. High ranking figures in governments around the world are coming out and flat out saying that the CIA and Mossad engineered this event. Scientists and scholars are rebutting every aspect of the lies and still the beat goes on and these are still the good guys; over a million dead, people tortured and children raped and… these are the good guys.

It is a dark and dreadful thing, given that 9/11 was done by the intelligence services of certain governments that elements of those same governments can imprison and torture men for information they could not possibly have since the events they are being questioned about are being carried out by the forces that are torturing them. This is beyond Kafka folks and it is happening in real life.

Mark my words people… the day will come when all of these things will be widely known and you will remember that you did and said nothing.

As the arrogant, rogue nation of Israel carries out it’s genocide on the original inhabitants of the land they occupy, your voice is not heard. Hundreds of thousands of people who have committed no crime live under the iron boot of a merciless regime which has abandoned all pretense of humanity and it is not only the Palestinians who suffer. And you say nothing because you are ignorant or afraid. You are afraid that you will be tagged with bankrupt terminology for daring to question the methods and motives of mass murdering demons dressed in human form. Because you cannot stand up, one day you too will kneel and receive the same tender ministrations that others have before you.

It is not a question of maybe this or maybe that any more. The stark truth is there before you in black and white and Technicolor and the beat goes on. It is within yourself that you must finally deal with your silence, your indifference and fear. All of the convenient lies that you tell your conscious mind percolate in the depths beneath your awareness and one day… one day they will rise to the surface and convict you as the beat goes on.

There is no hiding place from the truth of your complicity in the tragic events of your time. While you feed in your dreams in the land of plenty, the land of plenty is no more. While you imagine any one of your candidates will address the real issues that surround you, they mouth platitudes and bend their knee to the forces that cause all of the horrors of the time. You will have to answer for why you did and said nothing as the beat went on.

I gain no pleasure from having to tell you these things. I do not fabricate these things in my imagination. They are there for you to see for yourselves but something within you has failed. Something that should have been there went missing. Some quality that made you human has traveled on to more willing locations and you remain as something indefinable… not human… not yet a beast. But when the thin veneer of civilization is at last stripped away we shall see what you become.

For the moment the music is still playing. You travel to your jobs and you go about your activities and entertainments. Despite all of the evidence of these uncertain times you do believe it’s just a rough patch in the road and that mysterious elves will come out in the night while you are sleeping and fix your world. We shall see what ‘the good guys’ have to say about that. We shall see how you dance in time as the beat goes on.


beachblogger said...

did you send a question to Wexler?

Dear Congressman Wexler,

Thank you for the opportunity to submit a question.

How have people outside the Joint Chiefs and Commander in Chief influenced military policy and strategy?

I ask this because of the news report that Congressman Duncan Hunter was granted an audience with the Joint Chiefs regarding policy in Afghanistan. Hunter's son was a Captain in the Marines in Afghanistan. If the son has a problem with the policy why doesn't he go to his chain of command? What other back dealings is/are Hunter(s) involved in? Hunter has close ties to the Wilkes/Cunningham bribery corruption episode.

How have these kind of secrete dealings undermined our military?
How many billions of dollars have been stolen by corrupt politicians and contractors?
How many soldiers have died because of corruption?
What is being done to prevent corruption?
What is being done to investigate, indict and prosecute corrupt individuals and organizations?

Psychomikeo said...

welcome adamgv

Life As I Know It Now said...

what can I say? I too am ashamed of what my tax dollars are used for. but if we look at American history not much has really changed. it's just that the fairy tale I was taught as a child has been ripped to shreds.

Psychomikeo said...

Sad but true... The American tax payer sure have alot of blood on there hands...but who cares American Idol is on!