What's Left Of Me Won't Go Right
I love finding my signs lying on the ground, ready to be put right back up again.
I was wondering how many of them just disappear. And does anyone every try to stop you?
I've not been hassled by anyone...yet. A lot just disappear.
mine get torn into teensy-weensy little pieces. they've learned that anything less will simply be taped together again.
Some of mine get lost in the dryer. No wait, that's my socks.
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I love finding my signs lying on the ground, ready to be put right back up again.
I was wondering how many of them just disappear. And does anyone every try to stop you?
I've not been hassled by anyone...yet. A lot just disappear.
mine get torn into teensy-weensy little pieces. they've learned that anything less will simply be taped together again.
Some of mine get lost in the dryer. No wait, that's my socks.
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