The Liberty Street Agitators were busy for 3 out of the 4 days of Art Fair
The response we got were mostly good, with a lot of people stopping to hold a sign with us.
Here's what day 1 looked like...
Ok I forgot my camera so you'll have to trust me that there was a good turn out.
There was a bunch of these newspaper boxes by the corner & most of them had nothing in them so.... I printed out some of my favorite pics & put them in the boxes. It was fun watching peoples reactions when they realized what they were really looking at.

Here's what day 3 looked like

One lady did yell "Get A Life" & I had to stop & think about this statement. So I take it by "getting a life" I can no longer have my freedom ? or does "getting a life" mean sitting in front of the TV watching American Idol? if this is true I don't want a life.
One lady did yell "Get A Life" & I had to stop & think about this statement. So I take it by "getting a life" I can no longer have my freedom ? or does "getting a life" mean sitting in front of the TV watching American Idol?
Yeah, it's definitely the latter part. That lady had just finished purchasing twinkies at the local market and was rushing home to watch a marathon session of Desparate Housewives on her Tivo.
Or a Twinkie eating contest on ESPN!
dear mikeo,
great idea with the news boxes!
peace, peter
hell of a job there! People, sometimes even family, tell me I need to "get a life" just because I care about politics and the direction our country is headed in.
damn it...wish i was there, taking abuse from the 20% who think the sun revolves around the earth (and who still think we're in iraq to 'defend our freedoms', or think 911 was the work of muslims with boxcutters and some guy in an afghani cave, or think shrub is a christian, or...ah, screw it...) i knew i should have traveled to ann arbor for the art show with my wife, but the kids couldn't watch themselves (and i had to work - stupid job). i'll be there next year, for sure! lord knows i have too much of a life to deal with already, but i could always use someone to tell me to get one, anyway! ;-)
apparently, in this orwellian world, 'getting a life' means giving up your life and liberties. go figure... 2+2=5, right??
tfrechette Thanx for stopping by
The way King George II is grabing power. Tells me "something" is up for this summer...I hope we have a "next year"
Cheney Determined To Strike
In US With WMD This Summer
Only Impeachment, Removal or General
Strike Can Stop Him
By Webster G. Tarpley
The greatest threat now is "a 9/11 occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities."
-- Dick Cheney on Face the Nation, CBS, April 15, 2007
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